Imam Sajad (A.S.) gave a lengthy advice on human rights. This today appears in a book form and is called RISALAH AL-HUQUQ (Or a treatise on rights). In this book, the Imam Sajad (A.S.) describes examples of 51 different rights.

Here are a few of these rights

May Allah have mercy on you - know that Allah has rights against you. These rights surround you in all your movements, in your rest, in all your body parts and everything that you use.


Knowing the blight is more important than knowing the virtue

Islam considers knowing the sin as a more important issue than knowing the virtue. As our first Imam, Ali (peace be upon him), stated: to avoid sinning is more important than doing a virtuous action.

If we want to live as a pious human being, it is our duty to know the blights and obstacles in religion.


Anger is one of the great blessings of God within us which helps us remove the adversities of life and defend the boundary of our family and country. Nevertheless if anger is used incorrectly and constantly and turned into a temper, it will be the worst characteristic in human beings which will lead them to Hell. The worst manifestation of the sins in the Hereafter belongs to rage and anger. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) stated: avoid anger because it starts with madness and ends with regret.