The Promised Savior

The Promised Savior

  • Can a man, have such a long life?

    On the basis of the science of physiology the human body is composed of Billions of cells and tissues. With the passage of time, the cells get old and worn out and wither away and young cells take their place. This is how the schedule of life goes on.

    That thing which worn the man out and stop the cells from performing their activity and work and brings the gift of death to man are the harmful microbes which enter the human body from various ways and start a combat against the cells and annihilate them.

  • If Imam Mahdi Appears ...

    Allama Majlisi has related the following narration about Imam Mahdi in Bihar al-Anwar :

    "When Imam Mahdi reappears, he will rule with justice, and no one will be able to discriminate against another. Roads and paths will become secure, the Earth will bring out its bounties, all rights will be returned to their rightful owners, and no follower of a religion will remain until he becomes a Muslim and professes his faith."

  • Ramadan and Imam Mahdi

    Ramadan and Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) precious government

    Ramadan, the blessed month, the month of divine banquet, the month in which Quran was sent down and rains of revelation fell, the month of God's gentle breeze of kindness started once again and made people happy and exalted.

  • The Existence of the Mahdi is Certain

    There are numerous Prophetic traditions about the Mahdi reported by both the Sunni and the Shia sources. Close examination of the contents of these traditions proves that the subject of the future coming of the Mahdi and the Qaem was a well-established tenet during the Prophet’s life time. People anticipated someone who would take upon himself to establish truth and spread the worship of God. Moreover, they expected that person to take charge of purifying the earth and instituting justice. The belief was so wide spread among the people that having verified it in principle they were engaged in discussing its details.